CHI Madness
Quick Facts
25th March 2011: Deadline for 20 second Madness presentation (each venue has slightly different instructions, please await instructions from your venue chair).Overview
CHI Madness is a fast-paced session offering a preview of the day’s talks, with each author given 20 seconds to talk or show a video. (Check out some examples of previous presentations.) It’s an opportunity for the audience to get an overview of the day, and for you to convince people to come to your talk!
Changes! The aim is to give a comprehensive and clear overview of the whole conference, both within and across sessions. Consequently, we have included more types of sessions (Panels and SIGs are now in), and to combat constant over-running, reduced the talks to 20 seconds. We’re also aiming to present scheduling information more clearly on the day, we’ll provide details when they’re finalized.
If you have questions or need more information on CHI Madness, please feel free to contact the Madness chairs:
Paul André, University of Southampton
Max Wilson, University of Swansea
Contact us: madness@chi2011.org
Participating in CHI Madness
If you are presenting one of the following publications at CHI 2011, you have an opportunity to present during Madness:
- Paper
- Note
- Case Study
- TOCHI Paper
- alt.chi
- Panels
The instructions below are intended for presenters from these venues. Panel and SIG organisers can take part in Madness to encourage people to attend the whole session. There is not time for individual panelists to take part. Finalists in the Student Design and Research Competitions, and Interactivity demonstrations are also invited to participate. Presenters in these venues will be submitting their presentations through a different process than the one described here. alt.chi instructions also differ slightly. You should expect to receive additional information about CHI Madness from your venue chairs.
Coordinating more than 300 authors is not easy and we need your help. Here are your action items:
Prepare and Submit Your 20-second CHI Madness Presentation
Deadline: 25th March 2011 at 11:59pm PST
Getting your idea across is easy with the right visual material! Many presenters choose a single slide, while others use multiple auto-advancing slides or a video (CHI Madness Example Gallery). Due to the logistics of Madness you will not have control over the timing of the slides on the day. If you use multiple slides, you need to pre-program them to advance automatically and to finish within 20 seconds. To minimize time loss between presentations, we will compile all slides into four master slide decks - one for each day.
This year, we plan to use a new submission process for CHI Madness. All accepted papers will be able to upload CHI Madness presentation files through PCS. Use the 'Madness materials' box in the Final Submission form for your publication. If you have any questions, please contact us at madness@chi2011.org.
To simplify the process of assembling slide decks and ensuring successful playback at CHI, we are placing some restrictions on the material that may be submitted. These restrictions are different from last year, so please check them carefully.
Requirements for CHI Madness Presentations
- Ensure that your presentation takes 20 seconds or less. Presentations taking longer will be automatically truncated. This includes videos, powerpoint slides, etc.
You may submit either:
- a PowerPoint slide deck in either ppt or pptx format (embedded videos are allowed)
- a video (see video format restrictions below)
- If there are multiple slides, ensure that the slides automatically advance on a timer
- If you embed movies, ensure that the movies are embedded from the same directory as the powerpoint file. This will help avoid linking problems when we import your slides into our master deck. In this case, please upload a zipped directory of the presentation and video.
- You must submit any embedded videos (see video format restrictions below).
- Be wary of your font choices. We will be showing your slides during Madness on a stock Windows machine, with the default selection of fonts. When in doubt, use images instead.
- If you construct your slides on a Mac, you should test playback on a Windows machine. We will be assembling and showing slides from a Windows machine using the latest version of PowerPoint.
- Also be wary of including content in the slide master. When we import your slides into our deck, content from the slide master will be lost.
- NOTE: If you do not have access to Powerpoint, try Open Office, which allows you to save a powerpoint file.
All submitted videos, including those embedded in PowerPoint, must meet the following requirements:
- Required format: WMV file with standard WM codec.
- (Fallback format: AVI using the XVid compressor.)
- We unfortunately cannot accept other formats or codecs. This is for your benefit, as it reduces the chances of automatic playback failure in Powerpoint on the day.
- <100MB in total size for all submitted videos
- Video filenames must be less than 128 characters
- NOTE: We will contact you if we have problems with your video.
- NOTE: There are plenty of video format converters available online for all platforms. By converting the video yourself, you will be confident that the conversion process has occurred correctly.
Double-check your Madness presentation at CHI
We will offer CHI Madness "office hours" during the afternoon break on each day of CHI and for part of the day on the Sunday before the first Madness session. This is your one and only opportunity to check your madness slides, so please take advantage of it.
You will only be allowed to fix compilation errors. Due to the time and number of presenters involved, we are not able to allow late changes, or delivery of new slides. We will not modify or test presentations in the morning of the Madness session.
Giving your 20 second presentation
CHI Madness is supposed to be fast-paced, but we will make sure it doesn’t get hectic. Student volunteers will tell you when it is time to leave your seat and get in line at the stage. Locations will be marked for the speakers, and you should move from the line to the appropriate marked location as instructed by the madness organisers and student volunteers. Be ready to speak the moment that the speaker before you finishes. Your slides will be visible for exactly 20 seconds; this is the time you have to get to the microphone and to present.
There are many ways to give a great CHI Madness presentation. Please watch the CHI Madness Example Gallery. The slide deck will be set to auto advance, and you will not have an opportunity to run longer. You can finish early though, in which case we will advance the deck for you. Thank you for working on this with us. If you have questions, please free to email us at the address linked below.
Paul André, University of Southampton
Max L. Wilson, Swansea University
Contact us: madness@chi2011.org