Attending a Workshop: CHI 2011 Workshops
Quick Facts
- Submission: Please check individual workshops for their submission due dates.
- Notification: No later than March 1, 2011, but workshops may notify participants earlier.
- At least one author of any accepted position paper will need to attend the workshop. ANY author attending the workshop will need to register for both the workshop and at least one day of the conference. Please verify with your Workshop Organizers how many authors per submission can attend.
- Full list of workshops
Message from the Workshops Co-chairs
Workshops are a chance for members of a community with common interests to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. Please consider attending a workshop, and take part in this opportunity to move a new field forward and build community. Please see the full list of offered Workshops below, and find more information on each listed Workshop’s website. Each workshop should generate ideas that will give the HCI community a new, organized way of thinking about the topic or that suggest promising directions for future research. Some workshops have resulted in edited books or special issues of journals; you may consider including this goal in the design of your workshop. Others have created communities that spawned new, more specialized conferences.
Daniela Busse (SAP Labs (Palo Alto))
Catalina Danis (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Research)
Contact: workshops@chi2011.org
What is a CHI Workshop?
Workshops will be held on Saturday and Sunday May 7th and 8th, 2011. A workshop may be one or two days in length. Workshops are scheduled for six working hours per day, with a mid-morning break, a lunch break, and a mid-afternoon break. Workshops typically have 15 to 20 participants. Focused interaction among participants is important, so participants must have informed positions based on prior experience. And workshops should ideally foster discussion and exchange; they should not be miniature paper presentation sessions.
If you are interested in being a workshop participant, you must submit a position paper to the organizers of that workshop (contact names and addresses listed below, and on the workshops’ websites). Position papers are reviewed by the workshop organizers using their own criteria, and the organizers decide on the final list of participants. Workshops are only open to people who have had their position paper accepted by the workshop organizers. Participants must register for both the workshop and at least one day of the CHI conference itself.
Participating in a Workshop
CHI 2011 workshops are listed below. To participate in a workshop, please look at the webpage of the workshop to learn about submitting a position paper to the workshop.
All workshop participants must register for both the workshop (it is $175 for a one-day workshop and $250 for a two-day workshop) and for at least one day of the main conference (please view the current information about prices ). The reason for this policy is that workshops are supposed to be a part of the CHI conference, not separate events that happen to be in the same location at the same time. Only those who have had position papers accepted can attend workshops. If you are an accepted workshop participant, you will be provided with a registration code by your workshop organizers.
All workshops start at 9:00 am on the specified day(s), and will end by approximately 6:00 pm.
List of CHI 2011 Workshops
Two Day Workshops
W1: Managing User Experience Teams: lessons from case studies, establishing best practices
Saturday & Sunday May 7-8th, 2011
Contact: Janice Rohn
Organizers: Janice Rohn, Dennis Wixon
W2: HCI, Politics and the City: Engaging with Urban Grassroots Movements for Reflection and Action
Saturday & Sunday May 7-8th, 2011
Contact: Stacey Kuznetsov, stace@cs.cmu.edu
Organizers: Stacey Kuznetsov, William Odom, Vicki Moulder, Carl DiSalvo, Tad Hirsch, Ron Wakkary, Eric Paulos
W3: Data Collection by the People, for the People
Saturday & Sunday May 7-8th, 2011
Contact: Christine Robson, cmrobson@gmail.com
Organizers: Christine Robson, Sean Kandel, Jeffrey Heer, Jeffrey Pierce
W4: Analytic Provenance: Process+Interaction+Insight
Saturday & Sunday May 7-8th, 2011
Contact: Wenwen Dou, wdou1@uncc.edu
Organizers: Chris North, Remco Chang, Alex Endert, Wenwen Dou, Richard May, Bill Pike, Glenn Fink
W5: The User in Flux: Bringing HCI and Digital Arts Together to Interrogate Shifting Roles in Interactive Media
Saturday & Sunday May 7-8th, 2011
Contact: Tuck Leong, tuckwah@gmail.com
Organizers: Tuck Leong, Lalya Gaye, Atau Tanaka, Robyn Taylor, Peter Wright
Saturday May 7th Workshops
W6: Visible - Actionable - Sustainable: Sustainable Interaction Design in Professional Domains
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Daniela Busse, daniela.busse@gmail.com
Organizers: Leonardo Bonanni, Daniela Busse, John C Thomas, Eli Blevis, Marko Turpeinen, Nuno Jardim Nunes
W7: Personal Informatics and HCI: Design, Theory, and Social Implications
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Ian Li, ianli@cmu.edu
Organizers: Ian Li, Anind Dey, Jodi Forlizzi, Kristina Höök, Yevgeniy Medynskiy
W8: ETHICS, LOGS, and VIDEOTAPE: Ethics in Large Scale User Trials and User Generated Content
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Alistair Morrison, morrisaj@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Organizers: Matthew Chalmers, Donald McMillan, Alistair Morrison, Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Adam Greenfield, Wendy Mackay
W9: Gamification: Using Game-Design Elements in Non-Gaming Contexts
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Sebastian Deterding, s.deterding@hans-bredow-institut.de
Organizers: Sebastian Deterding, Miguel Sicart, Lennart Nacke, Kenton O'Hara, Dan Dixon
W10: Distributed User Interfaces 2011
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Jose A. Gallud, jgallud@umh.es
Organizers: Jose A. Gallud, Ricardo Tesoriero, Jean Vanderdonckt, Maria Lozano, Victor Penichet, Federico Botella
W11: Large Displays in Urban Life - from Exhibition Halls to Media Facades
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Uta Hinrichs, uhinrich@ucalgary.ca
Organizers: Uta Hinrichs, Nina Valkanova, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Giulio Jacucci, Sheelagh Carpendale, Ernesto Arroyo
W12: Video Interaction - Making Broadcasting a Successful Social Media
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Oskar Juhlin, oskarj@tii.se
Organizers: Oskar Juhlin, Erika Reponen, Frank Bentley, David Kirk, Måns Adler
W13: "Privacy for a Networked World": Bridging Theory and Design
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Airi Lampinen, airi.lampinen@hiit.fi
Organizers: Airi Lampinen, Fred Stutzman, Markus Bylund
W14: Child Computer Interaction: Workshop on UI Technologies and Educational Pedagogy
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Edward Tse, edwardtse@smarttech.com
Organizers: Edward Tse, Johannes Schöning, Jochen Huber, Lynn Marentette, Richard Beckwith, Yvonne Rogers, Max Mühlhäuser
W15: Designer Experience: Exploring Ways to Design in Experience
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: Mika Nieminen, mika.nieminen@tkk.fi
Organizers: Mika Nieminen, Mikael Runonen, Marko Nieminen, Mari Tyllinen
W16: Designing Interaction for the Cloud
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Contact: David England, d.england@ljmu.ac.uk.
Organizers: David England, Martin Randles, A Taleb-Bendiab
Sunday May 8th Workshops
W18: Everyday Practice and Sustainable HCI: Understanding and Learning from Cultures of (Un)Sustainability
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: James Pierce, jjpierce@cs.cmu.edu
Organizers: James Pierce, Hrönn Brynjarsdóttir, Phoebe Sengers, Yolande Strengers
W19: Bridging Practices, Theories, and Technologies to Support Reminiscence
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Dan Cosley, danco@cs.cornell.edu
Organizers: Dan Cosley, Maurice Mulvenna, Victoria Schwanda, S. Tejaswi Peesapati, Terence Wright
W20: Appropriation and Creative Use: Linking User Studies and Design
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Antti Salovaara, antti.salovaara@hiit.fi
Organizers: Antti Salovaara, Kristina Höök, Keith Cheverst, Michael Twidale, Matthew Chalmers, Corina Sas
W21: PINC: Persuasion, Influence, Nudge & Coercion through Mobile Devices
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Parisa Eslambolchilar, p.eslambolchilar@swansea.ac.uk
Organizers: Parisa Eslambolchilar, Max Wilson, Ian Oakley, Anind Dey
W22: Feminism and Interaction Design
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Shaowen Bardzell, selu@indiana.edu
Organizers: Shaowen Bardzell, Elizabeth Churchill, Jeffrey Bardzell, Jodi Forlizzi, Rebecca Grinter, Deborah Tartar
W23: Mobile and Personal Projection
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Enrico Rukzio, enrico.rukzio@uni-due.de
Organizers: Raimund Dachselt, Matt Jones, Jonna Häkkilä, Markus Löchtefeld, Michael Rohs, Enrico Rukzio
W24: Dynamic Accessibility: Accommodating Differences in Ability and Situation
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Amy Hurst, amyhurst@umbc.edu
Organizers: Amy Hurst, Krzysztof Gajos, Leah Findlater, Jacob Wobbrock, Andrew Sears, Shari Trewin
W25: Social Game Studies at CHI 2011
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Ben Kirman, bkirman@lincoln.ac.uk
Organizers: Ben Kirman, Staffan Björk, Sebastian Deterding, Janne Paavilainen, Valentina Rao
W26: Brain and Body Interfaces: Designing for Meaningful Interaction
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Kiel Gilleade, K.M.Gilleade@ljmu.ac.uk
Organizers: Stephen Fairclough, Kiel Gilleade, Lennart Nacke, Regan Mandryk
W27: Embodied Interaction: Theory and Practice in HCI
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Alissa Antle, aantle@sfu.ca
Organizers: Alissa Antle, Paul Marshall, Elise van den Hoven
W28: Performative Interaction in Public Space
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Lone Koefoed Hansen, koefoed@hum.au.dk
Organizers: Lone Koefoed Hansen, Julie Rico, Giulio Jacucci, Stephen Brewster, Daniel Ashbrook
W29: Crowdsourcing and Human Computation: Systems, Studies and Platforms
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Rob Miller, rcm@mit.edu
Organizers: Michael Bernstein, Ed Chi, Lydia Chilton, Björn Hartmann, Aniket Kittur, Robert Miller
W30: Transnational HCI: Humans, Computers, and Interactions in Transnational Contexts
Sunday May 8th, 2011
Contact: Janet Vertesi, jvertesi@princeton.edu
Organizers: Janet Vertesi, Silvia Lindtner, Irina Shklovski