Exhibitor Information - CHI 2011 EXHIBITS are SOLD OUT
We apologize, but the CHI 2011 exhibits booths are sold out. We hope you will join us next year in Austin, Texas, USA.
The CHI 2011 exhibits program is an opportunity for your organization to showcase its offerings to the broadest professional community of human-computer interaction (HCI) practitioners and researchers. By exhibiting at CHI 2011, you gain access to professionals in the HCI field with interests spanning the design, development, and evaluation of current human-computer interaction and future technologies.
For more details about exhibiting, please see the CHI 2011 Invitation to Exhibit. For questions, please contact the Exhibit Coordinator at exhibits@chi2011.org.
A list of this year's exhibitors can be found here here.
For complete details about exhibiting, please contact exhibits@chi2011.org.