Media Advisory
Welcome to the Computer-Human Interaction (CHI 2011) Conference. Once you arrive at the Vancouver Convention Centre, please go to the CHI 2011 Conference Registration area to pick-up your badge and press kit.
If press kits are not at registration yet, they will be in the press office for you.
The CHI 2011 Press Room is located in Room 101 (just across from Registration) The Press Room has a printer, water station, pens and student volunteers who can assist you with navigating the conference and contacting presenters for interviews, if needed.
Press Room Hours: Monday 8:30 - 6:00 Tuesday: 8:30 - 6:00 Wednesday: 8:30 - 6:00 Thursday: 8:30 - 4:00
Each day of the conference, you will receive an email message announcing some events of the day worthy of note. You will also find these advisories posted on the CHI 2011 Web site under the Press tab - http://chi2011.org/press/index.html. You will also find the Conference Preview there, which lists recommended sessions sorted by topic.
9:00 AM Opening Keynote
My explorations of social media and social media literacies in teaching & learning
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Location: Press Room, 101
A Conversation with ... Howard Rheingold
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Location: Press Room, 101
A Conversation and Demonstration with ... the "PaperPhone" Team
Dr. Roel Vertegaal debuts the "PaperPhone" and answer questions with his team:
Roel Vertegaal, Queens University
Audrey Girouard, Queens University
Aneesh Tarun, Queens University
Byron Lahey, Arizona State University and Queens University
See Vancouver Sun article
and CBC News item
3:00 - 3:55
Location: Press Room, 101
An Interview with Conference Organizers and Interaction Researchers ...
Desney Tan, Conference Chair and Microsoft Research
Bo Begole, Technical Program Co-Char and XEROX Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Wendy Kellogg, Technical Program Co-Chair and IBM
Dr. Tan in the News
SPECIAL PRESS PREVIEW of the Interactive Demonstrations
Location: Commons (Ballroom C/D) and Room 202/203/204 of the Vancouver Convention Centre
This event will be highly visual & interactive
Press Release: Interactive Technologies Showcased at ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Conference Reception & Exhibits Grand Opening (Refreshments Served)
Location: Vancouver Convention Center, Commons Commons (Ballroom C/D)
Here is a link to a list of recommended
sessions for Monday, listed by topic and time
Oh, and one more thing: Please enjoy the conference!
We are delighted to have you joining us.
For questions, contact Rosemary Stevens, Press Coordinator