CHI 2011 Call for Participation
Quick Facts
- 14 Jan 2011: Submissions are due for SIG meetings, Works-In-Progress, alt.chi, Videos, Student Design Competition, Student Research Competition.
- 1 Mar 2011: The latest due date for workshop participant submissions. See individual workshops for exact dates.
Message from the Technical Program chairs
The CHI Technical Program consists of a wide variety of forums to which you can contribute. Please feel free to contact the Technical Program chairs if you have any difficulty determining which forum is most appropriate to share your ideas.The Human-Computer Interaction Archive
Archival papers and notes are refereed content documenting work that makes a lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of human-computer interaction.Submit by 24 Sep 2010, 5pm PDT
- Papers and Notes (archival format, 10 pages maximum for papers, 4 pages maximum for Notes)
Contemporary Trends
Contemporary Trends are juried and curated content that provoke, intrigue, and inspire the CHI audience. These submissions record the history of HCI practice and innovation outside of the scope of traditional archival papers.Submit by 16 July 2010
Submit by 8 Oct 2010
Submit by 22 Oct 2010
Submit by 14 Jan 2011
- alt.chi
- SIG meetings
- Works-In-Progress
- Workshop Participants (or later, see specific requirements of workshop you are submitting to)
- Videos
Competitions provide students with an opportunity to work on challenging problems, to exchange ideas, and to compete for awards that provide recognition of excellence.Submit by 14 Jan 2011
Selection processes and republishability of CHI Technical Program content
The CHI conference employs different selection processes to apply appropriate quality assurance for each type of content that appears in the CHI Technical Program. The different selection processes and respective publication categories provide different allowances for republication of that content in other publication venues. The CHI processes are consistent with the ACM policy on Categories of publications as described in the ACM Policy on Pre-Publication Evaluation.
CHI uses the following selection processes.- Refereed content is rigorously reviewed by members of the program committee and peer experts. The process includes an opportunity for authors to respond to referees’ critiques. The program committee may ask authors for specific changes as a condition of publication. Papers and Notes are refereed content.
- Juried content is also reviewed by a committee and external experts in a less rigorous process that does not include an author’s response or conditional acceptance. Juried content is generally not required to make the same level of lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding as refereed content. The following venues contain juried content: Works-in-Progress, Case Studies, alt.chi, Workshops, Panels and some Interactivity selections.
- Curated content is highly selective but generally does not follow a reviewing process by a committee. Curated content may be selected from submissions or invited by the venue chairs. The following venues contain curated content: Videos, SIGs, Courses, Doctoral Consortium, some Interactivity selections, Student Design Competition and Student Research Competition.
Refereed content is published in the main conference Proceedings which is part of the Human Computer Interaction Archive and appears in the ACM digital library. Authors must assign copyright of the content to ACM, which restricts reuse of the content according to the ACM Copyright Policy. Authors do retain some rights for reuse of the material.
Juried and curated content represent CHI’s Contemporary Trends and are published in the CHI Extended Abstracts which is a semiarchival, widely disseminated publication that appears in the ACM digital library. Copyright of content in the Extended Abstracts is retained by the authors, not assigned to ACM. Authors may republish the material outside of ACM venues in manners consistent with those venues’ policies.
For ACM conference venues, including CHI, material that has been published in a semiarchival, widely disseminated publication such as the CHI Extended Abstracts, should not be republished unless the work has been “significantly” revised. Guidelines for determining “significance” of a revision are stated in the ACM Policy on Pre-Publication Evaluation and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions. Roughly, a significant revision would contain at least 25% unpublished material and significantly amplify or clarify the original material. These are subjective measures left to the interpretation of the reviewers and committee members – authors are wise to revise well beyond the Policy guidelines.
Whenever submitting material that has partially appeared in a widely disseminated publication, it is good practice to cite the prior publication in accordance with the ACM’s Plagiarism Policy and explicitly state the differences between the new and prior material.